Account Insights & Management

Account Insights & Management

An issue for organisations is being able to bring together the various data sources they have available from their systems, as well as externally sourced data, and being able to provide a single informative view across these data sets. While we have lots of data at our fingertips, being able to join this together, and then derive actionable insights that flow back into the business process can be a challenge.

By bringing together a single view of a customer, from point of origination through to their ongoing payment patterns, coupled with external bureau data we are able to extract valuable insights into how that customer should be managed by a credit provider.

Key data sources

  1. Origination information
    • demographic details
    • initial risk scores
    • bureau data
    • serviceability details
    • identity details
  2. Account information
    • exposure
    • balances
    • repayment details
  3. External information
    • bureau alerts
    • periodic bureau scores & data

Comprehensive Credit Decisions consultants have worked for many years with a number of large and disparate datasets, diving into the data to identify the key trends and patterns that can help improve a business.