Multi Bureau Strategies & Analytics

Multi bureau strategies and Analytics

Australia and New Zealand both have three separate and different consumer credit bureaus operating within each country.

This makes it hard for a credit provider to determine an bureau ideal strategy. It is commonly recognised that a multi bureau strategy is the best approach as this provides credit providers with the best data coverage, competitive innovation and pricing, while removing single supplier risk. It does however complicate the systems, processes and models that make up the credit solution.

In order to make decisions about the use of credit bureau services during the credit decisioning process, the credit provider must first understand the offerings from each of the credit bureaus and how each of these products could add value during the process.

An ideal approach may result in the use of services from more than one credit bureau, either for different services, or to maximise value where data is not the same or complete across all products and services offered by each of the bureaus.

Common bureau products include:

  • Consumer credit reports & bureau scores
  • Commercial credit reports & bureau scores
  • Account Management & alert solutions
  • Marketing solutions
  • Electronic identity solutions
  • Bank Statement solutions
  • Fraud solutions
  • Data solutions
  • Property, Motor Vehicle and other security services
  • Analytics solutions
  • Decisioning products

A detailed analysis of the value of each of the services for a particular credit provider will highlight the best solution that should be used and where possible, alternative services that can be switched on to provide redundancy.

Comprehensive Credit Decisions consultants have relationships across all of this regions credit bureaus and have reviewed and implemented various products from all providers. This has enabled us to understand the various strengths and weaknesses of each provider, and product, allowing us to assist credit providers to come up with an ideal credit bureau solution.


  • Equifax Formally CRAA (est 1967), Data Advantage, Baycorp Advantage, and more recently Veda. Acquired by Equifax Inc in 2016 and rebranded to Equifax in 2017.
  • illion Formally D&B (est Australian commercial bureau in 1887). Launched consumer credit bureau in 2006.
  • Experian Launched Australia credit bureau in 2013.

New Zealand

  • Equifax Formally Baycorp (est 1956) and more recently Veda. Acquired by Equifax Inc in 2016 and rebranded to Equifax in 2017.
  • illion Formally D&B (est New Zealand commercial bureau in 1903). Launched consumer credit bureau in 2006.
  • Centrix New Zealand owned credit bureau established in 2009.

Note that Creditworks operates in both countries providing commercial and credit software solutions. Creditworks Australia, Creditworks New Zealand