Solution Architecture

Solution Architecture

Understanding what technologies are available, what the business objectives are, and what can be achieved within a defined budget will allow the team to map out how your credit decisioning process should look and what infrastructure will be required to support this.

Our consultants have built up and managed complex decisioning solutions processing millions of credit applications. These systems are critical to credit provider’s business processes.

The approach looks across the infrastructure, data, application and user interface layers with a focus on best practise. These solutions are being reshaped as support for micro-services, cloud technology, continuous integration, continuous deployment and DevOps capability becomes more mainstream.

A greater focus on business intelligence is also forcing organisations to place a more importance on following the customer, gathering insights and adopting Artificial Intelligence.

A critical review will be completed across the below key areas:

  • Flexibility
  • Reliability
  • Scalability
  • Security
  • Performance
  • Visibility
  • Adaptability

The Comprehensive Credit Decisions consultant will provide a framework for what a best practise solution looks like for a credit provider and the potential components that make up that solution.